Centauro de la Frontera

Sonora, Mexico

Located in the frontier city with USA of Nogales, an important industrial city of Sonora, Mexico; a compact, mixed use and pedestrian friendly new city has been designed in a 190 hectares site. Centauro de la Frontera aims to create a diverse community with an special attention to a variety of options attending social/affordable housing in proximity to their daily needs and principally to their jobs.
In opposition to urban sprawl, GSHstudio conceptualized an integration of industrial areas with a Logistic Center, Educational areas from Pre-K to University, with Social Assistance, Health, Cult, Sports and Recreation, Governmental and Cultural uses that symbiotically completes the residential and commercial areas. The design also emphasizes the connectivity of the urban fabric and neighborhood structure, with plazas and parks that follow the natural logic of the landscape.

Located in the frontier city with USA of Nogales, an important industrial city of Sonora, Mexico; a compact, mixed use and pedestrian friendly new city has been designed in a 190 hectares site. Centauro de la Frontera aims to create a diverse community with an special attention to a variety of options attending social/affordable housing in proximity to their daily needs and principally to their jobs.
In opposition to urban sprawl, GSHstudio conceptualized an integration of industrial areas with a Logistic Center, Educational areas from Pre-K to University, with Social Assistance, Health, Cult, Sports and Recreation, Governmental and Cultural uses that symbiotically completes the residential and commercial areas. The design also emphasizes the connectivity of the urban fabric and neighborhood structure, with plazas and parks that follow the natural logic of the landscape.

Located in the frontier city with USA of Nogales, an important industrial city of Sonora, Mexico; a compact, mixed use and pedestrian friendly new city has been designed in a 190 hectares site.

Centauro de la Frontera aims to create a diverse community with an special attention to a variety of options attending social/affordable housing in proximity to their daily needs and principally to their jobs.

In opposition to urban sprawl, GSHstudio conceptualized an integration of industrial areas with a Logistic Center, Educational areas from Pre-K to University, with Social Assistance, Health, Cult, Sports and Recreation, Governmental and Cultural uses that symbiotically completes the residential and commercial areas. The design also emphasizes the connectivity of the urban fabric and neighborhood structure, with plazas and parks that follow the natural logic of the landscape.

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